Who hasn't experienced this moment: you step through a door after a long, tiring journey and are greeted warmly. It's a feeling of arrival and that's exactly what we want to give our guests - in our hotels and guesthouses.
Since time immemorial, wherever people have traveled, there have been hostels and accommodations, they have been entertained and cared for. Our name martas goes back to a famous biblical hostess. Marta lived over 2,000 years ago in a small village in Bethany. Every time Jesus was in the vicinity, he stayed with her.
martas values
We want people to feel welcome at martas. It is important to us to recognise every guest and their needs.
Our guests can relax and put their trust in our staff. They take care of every request with a high level of quality awareness.
A stay at martas clears the mind. People return to their everyday lives refreshed, invigorated and with new perspectives.
As a Christian-run company, we set social priorities for each individual and for society as a whole.
Martas has many faces: she is the receptionist, the employee at the bar, the service and cleaning staff, the friendly voice on the other end of the phone and many more. Martas, these are the people who work for us and are there for you. In all our hotels and guesthouses.
Hospitality and doing good
Doing good has many facets at martas. Based on our Christian self-image, we want to offer people a place that is more than just a roof over their heads. Even those who cannot afford a hotel. That is why, as a company of the Berlin City Mission, we support its projects for socially disadvantaged people and other charitable organizations at our locations in Berlin and Wittenberg.
We are a company of the Berlin City Mission and support its important work. The Berlin City Mission has been looking after people in need in the capital for more than 145 years. Its services range from emergency accommodation for the homeless to youth and family support and assistance for people without health insurance.
Hospitality is in the details. You will find these little touches in many places: When you enter the foyer and open the flyers and brochures, when you visit the website and when you order a coffee.
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