Holidays near Berlin
in martas guesthouses Dolgensee
Simply good is often best - youth hostel right on the lake
Martas Dolgensee guest houses are the ideal place for nursery school children, schoolchildren, confessionals, families and groups - everyone is welcome. Surrounded by woods and nature, there are two large self-catering houses for a total of 127 people. With a fully equipped kitchen, a seminar room and a dining and function room, the accommodation has everything you need to make your stay as pleasant as possible.
The extensive, fenced grounds are a paradise for children, where they can explore and run around undisturbed. The four-hectare forest invites guests to take long walks, while the Dolgensee itself is perfect for boat trips.
At martas guest houses Dolgensee, we use the resources available to us as sustainably as possible. We use 100 percent green electricity, buy as fairly and locally as possible and promote biodiversity on the extensive natural grounds. The honey we sell in the kiosk comes directly from our small apiary with six bee colonies.
You can find information on other measures in our report.
Feeling good and doing good: From Lutherstadt Wittenberg to Berlin, Brandenburg and up to the Baltic Sea. Our name, martas, references the biblical figure Marta, who was a passionate hostess to all her guests, including Jesus. At martas, we strive to mirror Martha’s loving attention to detail and passion.
As part of the Berlin City Mission, we support their charitable projects and vouch to house those in need of a place to rest, relax and recuperate. Martas accommodation includes city hotels, countryside guesthouses, and hostels.
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