Your holiday resort directly on the Dolgensee in Brandenburg

Ferienanlage Brandenburg Dolgensee

Experience community in the Dahme Heideseen Nature Park

Situated in the idyllic nature of the Dahme-Heideseen Nature Park, martas youth hostel in Brandenburg on Dolgensee offers a wide range of opportunities for exciting stays. Our youth hostel in Brandenburg is not only a place to relax, but also an exciting adventure playground for young and old. With a focus on school classes, church groups, community camps and families, our extensive grounds, just 50 kilometers south-east of Berlin, offer the perfect setting for shared activities and unforgettable experiences.

The "House by the lake" offers space for up to 76 people and is located close to the shores of the Dolgensee. The cosy accommodation allows for a restful night's sleep, while the fully equipped canteen kitchen and spacious dining and event hall create ideal conditions for self-organized stays. Canoeing on the lake, relaxing walks in the surrounding nature or campfire evenings - community is a top priority.

The "House by the forest" offers space for 51 people and blends harmoniously into the surrounding forest landscape. Here, too, there is a large kitchen, a seminar room and a dining and function room. This gives you the opportunity to cater for yourself and organize your stay as you wish.

We are particularly keen to support families on low incomes and groups of children and young people. That's why we offer discounted prices to enable these target groups to enjoy a carefree stay in the nature. Discover an oasis of peace and activity with martas youth hostels in Brandenburg - the perfect place to escape from everyday life and enjoy the beauty of the Dahme-Heideseen Nature Park to the full.

martas accommodations by the lake

Whether it's a school class, a community retreat, conference group or birthday party - we offer groups ideal conditions for spending a great time together.

martas :

Self-catering at Dolgensee

Both group houses offer self-catering. Fully equipped canteen kitchens are available for this purpose. This means you are completely independent and can organize your stay as you wish.

If required, the Bindower Dorfkrug will be happy to provide you with food. It provides breakfast, lunch and dinner or just individual meals.

Impressions from martas guesthouses Dolgensee

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